API Calls


POST /v2/url

Shortens a given url. If 'host' is not given, the default is 'ww7.io' which produces https://ww7.io/123456. If 'code' is provided (it is the '123456' part of the shortened url) and it belongs to the user, this call functions as 'replace' and replaces the old entry for the given code.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

url     str - required

The full URL to be shortened. Example: 'https://www.example.com/a_very_lonh_url.html'

expiration_utime     int64 - optional (default: 576460752303423487)

Expiration time given in unix-time in microseconds. Default is 0x7ffffffffffffff.

tag     int64 - optional (default: 0)

Each bit defines a logical tag. This tag can be used as filter for get_entries.

expiration_count     int - optional (default: 0)

Short URL expires after this many number of clicks. Setting 0 disables the click-count-expiration.

host     str - optional (default: ww7.io)

Requested base host of shortened url. The available hosts are: ww7.io

code     str - optional

Provided to replace an existing shortened url or to use it if it does not belong to another used. Must be [6,16] in length, and contains only 26 letters in small and caps, and numbers.

shorturl     str - optional

Shortened url to be used. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa. If this parameter is provided, host and code parameters will be ignored.

qr     dict - optional

If provided, entry output returns 'qrcode' containing an image of the QR code of shortened link. The dictionary can have the following keys describing the format:

        format : Can be 'svg' or 'png'. Default: 'svg'
        border : Border around the QR code in background color. Default: 3
        fg : Foreground color. Default: '#000000' (black)
        bg : Background color. Default: '#ffffff' (white)
        level : Error correction level of QR code. Default: 'M'

Some or all key values can be omitted. Defaults will be used for the omitted values. (query['qr'] = {} yields an image completely formatted by the defaults.) Colors must be in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa format. If aa (alpha) channel is given, transparency can be defined. 'level' can be L, M, Q, H representing the low, medium, quartile, high. Percentage of data that can be restored for each level is 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% respectively.


entry     dictionary - always exists

Entry for the shortened URL pointing the original URL for redirection. Dictionary items are listed at get_entry


POST /v2/urls

Functions like url, but shortens a list of URLS. The maximum number of URLS is 1000.

Weight: 1000 per call + 100 per url


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

urls     list - required

List of URLS to be shortened. Example: ['https://www.example.com/','https://www.mit.edu/']

expiration_utime     int64 - optional (default: 576460752303423487)

Expiration time given in unix-time in microseconds. Default is 0x7ffffffffffffff.

tag     int64 - optional (default: 0)

Each bit defines a logical tag. This tag can be used as filter for get_entries.

expiration_count     int - optional (default: 0)

Short URL expires after this many number of clicks. Setting 0 disables the click-count-expiration.

host     str - optional (default: ww7.io)

Requested base host of shortened url. The available hosts are: ww7.io

qr     dict - optional

If provided, entry output returns 'qrcode' containing an image of the QR code of shortened link. The dictionary can have the following keys describing the format:

        format : Can be 'svg' or 'png'. Default: 'svg'
        border : Border around the QR code in background color. Default: 3
        fg : Foreground color. Default: '#000000' (black)
        bg : Background color. Default: '#ffffff' (white)
        level : Error correction level of QR code. Default: 'M'

Some or all key values can be omitted. Defaults will be used for the omitted values. (query['qr'] = {} yields an image completely formatted by the defaults.) Colors must be in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa format. If aa (alpha) channel is given, transparency can be defined. 'level' can be L, M, Q, H representing the low, medium, quartile, high. Percentage of data that can be restored for each level is 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% respectively.


entries     list - always exists

List of entries for the shortened URLS pointing the original URLS for redirection. Dictionary items in each element are listed at get_entry


multi-form POST /v2/file

Sends a file for sharing. A shortened link is created to access the file. The file can be encrypted with a requeted method (AES-256 is available for know). Encryption/decryption happens on the client side, in browser or client application. The server will have no knowledge of the password encrypting the file.

'query' and 'files' parts must exists in the multi-form post. 'query' contains the input parameters.

Weight: 1000 per call + 100 per MB of data


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

filename     str - required

Name of the file.

filesize     int64 - required

Size of the file in bytes.

filetype     str - optional (default: )

MIME type. Example: 'image/png'.

encryption     int8 - optional (default: 0)

Type of encryption. '0' means no encryption. '1' means AES-GCM encryption.

challenge     str[32] - optional

Hex coded 128-bit random number to be used in the signature. It is required for encrypted files.

signature     str[88] - optional

Hex coded 256-bit code of the encrypted output of challenge. It is required for encrypted files.

expiration_utime     int64 - optional (default: 576460752303423487)

Expiration time given in unix-time in microseconds. Default is 0x7ffffffffffffff.

tag     int64 - optional (default: 0)

Each bit defines a logical tag. This tag can be used as filter for get_entries.

expiration_count     int - optional (default: 0)

Short URL expires after this many number of clicks. Setting 0 disables the click-count-expiration.

host     str - optional (default: ww7.io)

Requested base host of shortened url. The available hosts are: ww7.io

code     str - optional

Provided to replace an existing shortened url or to use it if it does not belong to another used. Must be [6,16] in length, and contains only 26 letters in small and caps, and numbers.

shorturl     str - optional

Shortened url to be used. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa. If this parameter is provided, host and code parameters will be ignored.

qr     dict - optional

If provided, entry output returns 'qrcode' containing an image of the QR code of shortened link. The dictionary can have the following keys describing the format:

        format : Can be 'svg' or 'png'. Default: 'svg'
        border : Border around the QR code in background color. Default: 3
        fg : Foreground color. Default: '#000000' (black)
        bg : Background color. Default: '#ffffff' (white)
        level : Error correction level of QR code. Default: 'M'

Some or all key values can be omitted. Defaults will be used for the omitted values. (query['qr'] = {} yields an image completely formatted by the defaults.) Colors must be in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa format. If aa (alpha) channel is given, transparency can be defined. 'level' can be L, M, Q, H representing the low, medium, quartile, high. Percentage of data that can be restored for each level is 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% respectively.


entry     dictionary - always exists

Entry for the shortened URL pointing the file for download. Dictionary items are listed at get_entry


POST /v2/file_part_initialize

Weight: 1000


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

filename     str - required

Name of the file.

filesize     int64 - required

Size of the file in bytes.

filetype     str - optional (default: )

MIME type. Example: 'image/png'.


filekey     str[32] - always exists

A key pointing the stored file.

expiration_utime     int64 - always exists

Expiration time for the completion of upload. A slow connection speed is assumed.


multi-form POST /v2/file_part_upload

Weight: 1250 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

filekey     str[32] - required

The key pointing to the stored file.

partnumber     int - required

Part number.

partsize     int - required

Size of the file part.



POST /v2/file_part_finalize

Weight: 1000


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

filekey     str - required

Key pointing the file to be stored.

encryption     int8 - optional (default: 0)

Type of encryption. '0' means no encryption. '1' means AES-GCM encryption.

challenge     str[32] - optional

Hex coded 128-bit random number to be used in the signature. It is required for encrypted files.

signature     str[88] - optional

Hex coded 48-byte code of the encrypted output of challenge. It is required for encrypted files.

expiration_utime     int64 - optional (default: 576460752303423487)

Expiration time given in unix-time in microseconds. Default is 0x7ffffffffffffff.

tag     int64 - optional (default: 0)

Each bit defines a logical tag. This tag can be used as filter for get_entries.

expiration_count     int - optional (default: 0)

Short URL expires after this many number of clicks. Setting 0 disables the click-count-expiration.

host     str - optional (default: ww7.io)

Requested base host of shortened url. The available hosts are: ww7.io

code     str - optional

Provided to replace an existing shortened url or to use it if it does not belong to another used. Must be [6,16] in length, and contains only 26 letters in small and caps, and numbers.

shorturl     str - optional

Shortened url to be used. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa. If this parameter is provided, host and code parameters will be ignored.

qr     dict - optional

If provided, entry output returns 'qrcode' containing an image of the QR code of shortened link. The dictionary can have the following keys describing the format:

        format : Can be 'svg' or 'png'. Default: 'svg'
        border : Border around the QR code in background color. Default: 3
        fg : Foreground color. Default: '#000000' (black)
        bg : Background color. Default: '#ffffff' (white)
        level : Error correction level of QR code. Default: 'M'

Some or all key values can be omitted. Defaults will be used for the omitted values. (query['qr'] = {} yields an image completely formatted by the defaults.) Colors must be in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa format. If aa (alpha) channel is given, transparency can be defined. 'level' can be L, M, Q, H representing the low, medium, quartile, high. Percentage of data that can be restored for each level is 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% respectively.


entry     dictionary - always exists

Entry for the shortened URL pointing the file for download. Dictionary items are listed at get_entry


POST /v2/change_shorturl

Changes and existing shorturl.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

shorturl_old     str - required

Shortened url to be changed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa

shorturl_new     str - required

Desired shortened url. Ex: https://ww7.io/fanciest



POST /v2/set_enabled

Sets the enabled state of shorturl to true or false. If set to false, the shorturl returns 404 Page not found code, but remains in the records, which can be enabled at a later time via this command.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa

enabled     boolean - required

enabled state of the shorturl. If false, the shorturl returns 404 Page not found.



POST /v2/set_tag

Changes the tag of shorturl.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa

tag     int64 - required

Changes the TAG of short URL. Each bit defines a logical tag. This tag can be used as filter for get_entries.



POST /v2/set_expiration_count

Changes the expiration_count of the short URL.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa

expiration_count     int64 - required

Changes expiration_count of the short URL.



POST /v2/delete

Deletes an entry using its entryid.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa



POST /v2/get_entry

This function returns information about an entry. It may be for an URL or for a file.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa

qr     dict - optional

If provided, entry output returns 'qrcode' containing an image of the QR code of shortened link. The dictionary can have the following keys describing the format:

        format : Can be 'svg' or 'png'. Default: 'svg'
        border : Border around the QR code in background color. Default: 3
        fg : Foreground color. Default: '#000000' (black)
        bg : Background color. Default: '#ffffff' (white)
        level : Error correction level of QR code. Default: 'M'

Some or all key values can be omitted. Defaults will be used for the omitted values. (query['qr'] = {} yields an image completely formatted by the defaults.) Colors must be in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa format. If aa (alpha) channel is given, transparency can be defined. 'level' can be L, M, Q, H representing the low, medium, quartile, high. Percentage of data that can be restored for each level is 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% respectively.


entry     dictionary - always exists

Dictionary containing the items of the entry:
        id : Unique ID of the entry.
        userid : User ID pointing the owner of the entry.
        url : Long URL or the filename.
        shorturl : Compressed short-url.
        utime : Creation time. Unix time in microseconds.
        tag : 64-bit tag.
        expiration_count : Click-count expiration limit.
        filekey : A unique ID for the file.
        filesize : Size of the file, if it is a file. "-1" for URLs.
        filetype : MIME type of the file, if it is a file. "-1" for URLs.
        encryption : Encryption type for a file. 0 means no encryption.
        signature : Signature to validate the password at client side.
        count : Number of clicks on the short-url.
        count_qr : Number of clicks/loads on the QR code url.
        order : 0.
        enabled : Flag (0/1) indicating if this entry is enabled.
        qrcode : QR code if requested. It is a dictionary with 'format', 'image', and 'encoding'


POST /v2/get_entries

Gets a list of entries satisfying the requested TAG and order conditions. Entries are listed in reverse order according to their times of creation. start parameter is used where to start.As an example, if start=2 the list start with the second recent entry satisfying the TAG conditions.

Weight: 1000 per call + 100 per entry


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.

start     int - optional (default: 0)

Starting index of the list in the DB. '0' means the most recent. Increasing indices indicates further in the past.

qr     dict - optional

If provided, entry output returns 'qrcode' containing an image of the QR code of shortened link. The dictionary can have the following keys describing the format:

        format : Can be 'svg' or 'png'. Default: 'svg'
        border : Border around the QR code in background color. Default: 3
        fg : Foreground color. Default: '#000000' (black)
        bg : Background color. Default: '#ffffff' (white)
        level : Error correction level of QR code. Default: 'M'

Some or all key values can be omitted. Defaults will be used for the omitted values. (query['qr'] = {} yields an image completely formatted by the defaults.) Colors must be in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa format. If aa (alpha) channel is given, transparency can be defined. 'level' can be L, M, Q, H representing the low, medium, quartile, high. Percentage of data that can be restored for each level is 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% respectively.

count     int - optional (default: 3)

Number of entries requested. Maximum is 1000.

tagmask_or     int64 - optional

Selects only the entries with ANY of the tagmask_or.

tagmask_and     int64 - optional

Selects only the entries with ANY of the tagmask_and. If this is provided, tagmask_or is ignored.

tag     int64 - optional

Selects only the entries with tag If this is provided, tagmask_or and tagmask_and are ignored.


entries     list - always exists

List of dictionaries for the entries. Each of the entry items are defines in get_entry API call.


POST /v2/get_protected_file_info

This function returns information required to receive the encrypted file, if 'challenge' provided correct. One still needs the file-password to decrypt the file. the 'challenge' can be found by decrypting the signature. And, the signature is provided via the redirected address of when the shortened URL is called.

Weight: 0


shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa

challenge     str[32] - required

Hex encoded 128-bit challenge, equals to decrypted signature.


filename     str - always exists

Name of the file.

filesize     int64 - always exists

Size of the file.

filetype     str - always exists

MIME type of the file.

url     str - always exists

URL of the encrypted file.

url_expire_utime     int64 - always exists

Expiration time of resource URL (given by 'url') in unix time in microseconds.

encryption     int8 - always exists

Type of the encryption. 0=No encryption, 1=AES-256 GCM.


POST /v2/get_signature

This function returns information required to receive the encrypted file, if 'challenge' provided correct. One still needs the file-password to decrypt the file. the 'challenge' can be found by decrypting the signature. And, the signature is provided via the redirected address of when the shortened URL is called.

Weight: 0


shorturl     str - required

Shortened url to be processed. Ex: https://ww7.io/sD4fSa


signature     str[88] - always exists

Hex coded encrypted data of challenge. It is required for encrypted files. 12 bytes of IV, 16 bytes of encrypted challenge, 16 bytes of TAG for AES-GCM. Total of 44 bytes.


POST /v2/temporary_account

Creates a temporary account. It will have an expiration date. This is used for web interface, so user does not have to register to shorten an URL or upload a file, BEFORE registration. If the user registers at a later time, entries he/she created will be preserved with the account.

Weight: 1000 per call



userid     str[32] - always exists

Unique ID of the user.


POST /v2/signup

Registers a user. Username is optional but email is required.

Weight: 1000 per call


email     str - required

E-mail address of the user.

password     str[64] - required

256 bit hex code of PBKDF2(password). SHA256 is the hashing function. 0x182c37f56e1967227ccae78af837b638 is the salt. Iterated 231581 times.

username     str - optional

Optional username for the account which can be used for login

userid     str[32] - optional

If a temporary account was used, the userid of the temporary account may be provided to convert that account to a 'registered' account. If that happens, the URLs and FILEs will be transferred to this registered account..


userid     str[32] - always exists

Unique ID of the user.

token     str[32] - always exists

A valid token which can be used when credentials are required.

email     str - always exists

E-mail address of the user.

username     str - exists if username is given during the registration

Username of the user.


POST /v2/login

Login to a registered account to get a valid token to be used for credentials.

Weight: 1000 per call


username_email     str - required

Username or e-mail address.

password     str[64] - required

256 bit hex code of PBKDF2(password). SHA256 is the hashing function. 0x182c37f56e1967227ccae78af837b638 is the salt. Iterated 231581 times.


userid     str[32] - always exists

Unique ID of the user.

token     str[32] - always exists

A valid token which can be used when credentials are required.

email     str - always exists

E-mail address of the user.

username     str[32] - exists if username is given during the registration

Username for the account.

email_verified     boolean - always exists

Shows whether the e-mail is verified.


POST /v2/logout

Logout a user. This will invalidate the token provided.

Weight: 0


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call.



POST /v2/change_password

Changes the account password for a registered account.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call.

password     str[64] - required

256 bit hex code of PBKDF2 of CURRENT password. SHA256 is the hashing function. 0x182c37f56e1967227ccae78af837b638 is the salt. Iterated 231581 times.

password_new     str[64] - required

256 bit hex code of PBKDF2 of NEW password. SHA256 is the hashing function. 0x182c37f56e1967227ccae78af837b638 is the salt. Iterated 231581 times.



POST /v2/check_credentials

Checks if the userid is for a temporary account or userid/token pair is valid. Returns 'success' if credentials are valid.

Weight: 1000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.


email     str - always exists

E-mail address of the user.

username     str - exists if username is given during the registration.

Username of the user.

email_verified     boolean - always exists

Shows whether the e-mail is verified.


POST /v2/forgot_password

Initiates a password recovery process by sending an email to the registered email address of the account. The link embedded into the email will lead to a page to set a new password.

Weight: 5000


username_email     str - required

Username or e-mail address.



POST /v2/reset_password

Resets the account password for a registered account. unique_code is sent to the registered email address, embedded into a shortlink. The unique_code has a short lifetime\ and expires after a grace period for this API to be called.

Weight: 5000 per call


email     str - required

E-mail address of the user.

password     str[64] - required

256 bit hex code of PBKDF2(password). SHA256 is the hashing function. 0x182c37f56e1967227ccae78af837b638 is the salt. Iterated 231581 times.

unique_code     str[32] - required

128 bit secret unique code sent to the email of the user.


userid     str[32] - always exists

Unique ID of the user.

token     str[32] - always exists

A valid token which can be used when credentials are required.

username     str[32] - exists if username is given during the registration

Username for the account.

email_verified     boolean - always exists

Shows whether the e-mail is verified.


POST /v2/verify_email

Sends email verification message to the registered e-mail address. The e-mail contains a unique-link. Clicking on the link ensured that the e-mail is received by the user, and elevates the account to "verified" status. The link in the email is has a limited time of validity, and expires if not used.

Weight: 5000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call.



POST /v2/get_account_info

This function returns information about the account.

Weight: 2000 per call


userid     str[32] - required

User ID identifying the user. This can be created with signup or temporary_account API calls, or can be reached via login API call for an existing registered account.

token     str[32] - required if userid is registered

Proof of credentials for a registered account. The token can be created with login API call. The validity duration depends on the account type; verified/registered/temporary.


type     str - always exists

Type of the account: temporary, registered, verified, custom,...

username     str[32] - exists if username is given during the registration

Username for the account.

email     str - exists if email is registered

E-mail address of the user.

email_verified     boolean - always exists

Shows whether the e-mail is verified.

type     str - always exists

Type of the account.

create_utime     int64 - always exists

Time of creation of the account. Type is unix-time is microseconds.

expiration_utime     int64 - always exists

Expiration time of the account. Type is unix-time is microseconds.

api_refill_rate     int - always exists

Refill rate of the bucket for the API call limiter.

api_capacity     int - always exists

Capacity of the bucket for the API call limiter.

api_balance     int - always exists

Remaining usable weight in the bucket for the API call limiter. It is the value before the cost of this call.

api_balance_utime     int - always exists

Time of last drop to the bucket for the API call limiter.

link_refill_rate     int - always exists

Refill rate of the bucket for the LINK usage limiter.

link_capacity     int - always exists

Capacity of the bucket for the LINK usage limiter.

link_balance     int - always exists

Remaining usable weight in the bucket for the LINK usage limiter.

link_balance_utime     int - always exists

Time of last drop to the bucket for the LINK usage limiter.


POST /v2/multi

This function performs multiple API calls at once. The output of the calls can be routed to the input of the next call within the list of calls.

Weight: 0


call_queries     list - required

List of dictionaries. Each dictionary entry defines an API call and contains the following fields:

type : A String setting the type/name of the API call.
input : A dictionary containing the parameters of the API call.
broadcast : A boolean. If true, the output of the API call will be broadcast to the following API calls as input. Input parameter of the following API calls can overwrite these.


call_responses     list - always exists

List of dictionaries. Each dictionary is the response of the API calls listed in commands

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
resp_login = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid" : resp_login['output']['userid'],
  "token"  : resp_login['output']['token'],
  "url"    : "https://examle.com/",
  "tag"    : 0x8008,
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
  "token": "8hSdMgDzTDXNW0Texqbq7JDcH5hOE0Z4",
  "url": "https://example.com/",
  "tag": 32776

  "output": {
    "entry": {
      "count": 0,
      "count_qr": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "encryption": 0,
      "filekey": "",
      "filesize": -1,
      "filetype": "",
      "id": 3576066480,
      "order": 0,
      "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/D4AyPm",
      "signature": "",
      "tag": 32776,
      "url": "https://example.com/",
      "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
      "utime": 1663520979909818
  "status": "success",
  "type": "url",
  "utime": 1660552794085981,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"
urls = [

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
  "token"  : response['output']['token'],
  "tag"    : 0x8008,
  "urls"   : urls,
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/urls", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
  "token": "JMi3pNCQDRbI0CiAqrywCuwYraEmLGrz",
  "tag": 32776,
  "urls": [

  "output": {
    "entries": [
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 36754020030,
        "order": 0,
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/oHWHkq",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 32776,
        "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521279040727
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 17735361113,
        "order": 0,
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/TWPvlf",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 32776,
        "url": "https://youtube.com",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521279040728
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 22213009860,
        "order": 0,
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/YPRgkk",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 32776,
        "url": "https://amazon.com",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521279040729
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 33860490823,
        "order": 0,
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/k7hKcv",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 32776,
        "url": "https://facebook.com",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521279040730
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 21768134979,
        "order": 0,
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/XvK2TR",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 32776,
        "url": "https://twitter.com",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521279040731
  "status": "success",
  "type": "urls",
  "utime": 1663521279040727,
  "weight": 1500

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib
import mimetypes, os, secrets
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

# Encrypt data
def encrypt_data(data, password):
	# 256-bit key is double-sha256 of file password
	key = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).digest()

	# Encrypt data
	iv = secrets.token_bytes(12)
	cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=iv, mac_len=16)
	data_encrypted, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)

	return iv+data_encrypted+tag

# Encrypt data, generate challenge-signature pair
def encrypt_file(rawdata, password):
	challenge = secrets.token_bytes(16)
	signature = encrypt_data(challenge, password)
	rawdata   = encrypt_data(rawdata  , password)
	return int.to_bytes(len(rawdata),4,'little')+rawdata, challenge.hex(), signature.hex()

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
	"username_email" : username,
	"password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
resp_login = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

filename = "sample-image.png"
filesize = os.stat(filename).st_size
filetype,_ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)

file = open(filename, 'rb')
rawdata = file.read()

query = {
	"userid"     : resp_login['output']['userid'],
	"token"      : resp_login['output']['token'],
	"filename"   : filename,
	"filesize"   : filesize,
	"filetype"   : filetype,

encrypt = True
if encrypt:
	filepassword = "TestPassword"
	rawdata, challenge, signature = encrypt_file(rawdata, filepassword)
	query['challenge'] = challenge
	query['signature'] = signature
	query['encryption'] = 1

files = {
	"query": (None, json.dumps(query), 'application/json'),
	filename: (filename, rawdata, filetype)
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/file", files=files).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "TZ1Tk6Um00ZGxSbe0Iluw4IpJaeAdRxd",
  "filename": "sample-image.png",
  "filesize": 53990,
  "filetype": "image/png",
  "challenge": "284932ca2ea3595cf6d106ef51ca3826",
  "signature": "8d0734a61bc0cc213c062f3a95a01c751a4fe5f2f99e55285e24bcb459b10441a5d8aa012338edea2978b467",
  "encryption": 1

  "output": {
    "entry": {
      "count": 0,
      "count_qr": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "encryption": 1,
      "filekey": "LcZJXWn7nYxUFTxzsJ9pDWTDZKF8IFXc",
      "filesize": 53990,
      "filetype": "image/png",
      "id": 39155848098,
      "order": 0,
      "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/qt36xE",
      "signature": "8d0734a61bc0cc213c062f3a95a01c751a4fe5f2f99e55285e24bcb459b10441a5d8aa012338edea2978b467",
      "tag": 0,
      "url": "sample-image.png",
      "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
      "utime": 1663522311008072
  "status": "success",
  "type": "file",
  "utime": 1663522311008072,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example



Python Example



Python Example



Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "url"    : 'https://www.example.com/',
url_response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid"       : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"        : response['output']['token'],
    "shorturl_old" : url_response['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
    "shorturl_new" : "https://ww7.io/fanciest",
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/change_shorturl", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "r1PXIK0ss3eJYOSPw8wOl7s5KJHJ3ZLl",
  "shorturl_old": "https://ww7.io/RvE1ga",
  "shorturl_new": "https://ww7.io/fanciest"

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "change_shorturl",
  "utime": 1663587014412020,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "url"    : "https://www.example.com",
url_response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid"   : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"    : response['output']['token'],
    "shorturl" : url_response['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
    "enabled"  : False,
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/set_enabled", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "zxYYvzcxxQqJh7NhbIfMXFvmgwFOTVE8",
  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/bkQoqx",
  "enabled": false

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "set_enabled",
  "utime": 1663589372873185,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "url"    : "https://www.example.com",
url_response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid"   : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"    : response['output']['token'],
    "shorturl" : url_response['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
    "tag"      : 0x123456789a,
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/set_tag", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "zxYYvzcxxQqJh7NhbIfMXFvmgwFOTVE8",
  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/bkQoqx",
  "enabled_state": false

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "set_tag",
  "utime": 1663589372873185,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "url"    : "https://www.example.com",
url_response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid"           : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"            : response['output']['token'],
    "shorturl"         : url_response['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
    "expiration_count" : 100,
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/set_expiration_count", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "zxYYvzcxxQqJh7NhbIfMXFvmgwFOTVE8",
  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/bkQoqx",
  "expiration_count": false

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "expiration_count",
  "utime": 1663589372873185,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "url"    : "https://www.example.com",
url_response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid"   : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"    : response['output']['token'],
    "shorturl" : url_response['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/delete", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "e4RdQC0Kb1EpZOAnuJf08ohIZhjJ9y1y",
  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/l4K2IW"

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "delete",
  "utime": 1663522151493030,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "url"    : "https://www.example.com/"
url_response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/url", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid"   : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"    : response['output']['token'],
    "shorturl" : url_response['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/get_entry", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "K19p9EUWo1L9A6fvIi6Vf42AVRAk4ReO",
  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/22NXsM"

  "output": {
    "entry": {
      "count": 0,
      "count_qr": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "encryption": 0,
      "filekey": "",
      "filesize": -1,
      "filetype": "",
      "id": 50272284488,
      "order": 0,
      "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/22NXsM",
      "signature": "",
      "tag": 0,
      "url": "https://www.example.com/",
      "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
      "utime": 1663521639011671
  "status": "success",
  "type": "get_entry",
  "utime": 1663521639395699,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
    "username_email" : username,
    "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
    "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
    "token"  : response['output']['token'],
    "count"  : 2,
    "start"  : 1,
    "qr"     : {'format': 'png', 'bg': '#ffffff00', 'fg': '#4444aa', 'level': 'M', 'border': 1},
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/get_entries", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
  "token": "8wCbxKAII1JvFFbkv7mE3uTJWGKRNqSH",
  "count": 2,
  "start": 1,
  "qr": {
    "format": "png",
    "bg": "#ffffff00",
    "fg": "#4444aa",
    "level": "M",
    "border": 1

  "output": {
    "entries": [
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 13123367331,
        "order": 1,
        "qrcode": {
          "encoding": "base64",
          "format": "png",
          "image": "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"
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/OUITVB",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 0,
        "url": "https://www.example.com/",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521619955946
        "count": 0,
        "count_qr": 0,
        "enabled": false,
        "encryption": 0,
        "filekey": "",
        "filesize": -1,
        "filetype": "",
        "id": 29773207503,
        "order": 2,
        "qrcode": {
          "encoding": "base64",
          "format": "png",
          "image": "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"
        "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/ge5VWP",
        "signature": "",
        "tag": 0,
        "url": "https://www.example.com/",
        "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
        "utime": 1663521591087993
  "status": "success",
  "type": "get_entries",
  "utime": 1663521886987508,
  "weight": 1200

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib
import mimetypes, os, secrets, sys
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

# Encrypt data
def encrypt_data(data, password):
    # 256-bit key is double-sha256 of file password
    key = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).digest()

    # Encrypt data
    iv = secrets.token_bytes(12)
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=iv, mac_len=16)
    data_encrypted, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)

    return iv + data_encrypted + tag

# Encrypt data
def decrypt_data(data, password):
    # 256-bit key is double-sha256 of file password
    key = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).digest()

    # Encrypt data
    iv = data[:12]
    tag = data[-16:]
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=iv, mac_len=16)
        data_decrypted = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(data[12:-16],tag)
        print('Incorrect password or corrupted data.')

    return data_decrypted

# Encrypt data, generate challenge-signature pair
def encrypt_file(rawdata, password):
    challenge = secrets.token_bytes(16)
    signature = encrypt_data(challenge, password)
    rawdata   = encrypt_data(rawdata  , password)
    return int.to_bytes(len(rawdata),4,'little')+rawdata, challenge.hex(), signature.hex()

# Some input information
username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"
filepassword = 'TestPassword'

# Log in to get userid and token
query = {
    "username_email": username,
    "password": hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response_login = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

# Put a file with encryption and get host and code for the short link
filename = "sample-image.png"
filesize = os.stat(filename).st_size
filetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)

file = open(filename, 'rb')
rawdata = file.read()

rawdata, challenge, signature = encrypt_file(rawdata, filepassword)

query = {
    "userid": response_login['output']['userid'],
    "token": response_login['output']['token'],
    "filename": filename,
    "filesize": filesize,
    "filetype": filetype,
    "tag": 1000,
    "challenge": challenge,
    "signature": signature,
    "encryption": 1,

files = {
    "query": (None, json.dumps(query), 'application/json'),
    filename: (filename, rawdata, filetype)
response_file = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/file", files=files).json()

# Get signature for the file accessed by the short link, and resolve the challenge word
query = {
    "shorturl": response_file['output']['entry']['shorturl'],

response_get_signature = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/get_signature", json.dumps(query)).json()

# Find the challenge using the file-password and encoded signature
signature = bytes.fromhex(response_get_signature['output']['signature'])
challenge = decrypt_data(signature, filepassword).hex()

# Get the protected file information for download
query = {
    "shorturl": response_file['output']['entry']['shorturl'],
    "challenge": challenge,
response_get_protected_file_info = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/get_protected_file_info", json.dumps(query)).json()

# Download & Decrypt & Write the file
rawdata = requests.get(response_get_protected_file_info['output']['url']).content
if int.from_bytes(rawdata[:4],'little') != (len(rawdata)-4):
    print('Length of data is incorrect.')

rawdata = decrypt_data(rawdata[4:], filepassword)
file = open('downloaded-' + response_get_protected_file_info['output']['filename'], 'wb')

print(json.dumps(query, indent=2))

print((json.dumps(response_get_protected_file_info, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8')).decode())

  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/I9QCOI",
  "challenge": "3fecf0b18bfc0188d015a6b35a84c733"

  "output": {
    "encryption": 1,
    "filename": "sample-image.png",
    "filesize": 53990,
    "filetype": "image/png",
    "url": "https://ww7.s3.amazonaws.com/storage/fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf/R1mko0hpt6zbS0GrpYCGmzLU0UgBgzYq/sample-image.png?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAUNQIG5VL4CMTG3UM%2F20220918%2Feu-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220918T174157Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=e95d32c5548b72041ad80698c37bc4332c65939807b39414d5e980e914bd2bf8",
    "url_expire_utime": 1663522977091225
  "status": "success",
  "type": "get_protected_file_info",
  "utime": 1663522917091225

Python Example

import requests, json

query = {
	"shorturl" : "https://ww7.io/qt36xE",

response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/get_signature", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "shorturl": "https://ww7.io/qt36xE"

  "output": {
    "signature": "8d0734a61bc0cc213c062f3a95a01c751a4fe5f2f99e55285e24bcb459b10441a5d8aa012338edea2978b467"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "get_signature",
  "utime": 1663522523067399

Python Example

import requests, json

response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/temporary_account", "{}").json()


  "output": {
    "userid": "IMfmSN5ybU40gQ8qnIfX50SR8BlIeeY9"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "temporary_account",
  "utime": 1660583286087677,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
email    = "test.user@nowhere.com"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "email"    : email,
  "username" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),

response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/signup", json.dumps(query)).json()

    "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
    "username": "Test User",
    "password": "ffbbafe935a9c961cc5ea6bbdb8d994e3eb2c84f8a48f998fcef14feb9cc1bde"

    "output": {
        "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
        "token": "tMf1V94fN9dCh3X8mFA5yeRebh1MtUx9",
        "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
        "username": "Test User"
    "status": "success",
    "type": "signup",
    "utime": 1660552435810099,
    "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),

response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "username_email": "Test User",
  "password": "ffbbafe935a9c961cc5ea6bbdb8d994e3eb2c84f8a48f998fcef14feb9cc1bde"

  "output": {
    "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
    "token": "dbxLnxqGypFKM41CkoEYlvliscI16lNF",
    "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
    "username": "Test User"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "login",
  "utime": 1660583738157707,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
  "token" : response['output']['token'],
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/logout", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
  "token": "RH4r8jGM9It7DUxucur0Y3kCnF20wLhk"

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "logout",
  "utime": 1660583822273985,
  "weight": 0

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"
password_new = "NewPassword12!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid"       : response['output']['userid'],
  "token"        : response['output']['token'],
  "password"     : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
  "password_new" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password_new.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/change_password", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
  "token": "2yBgOKq1hRz6LEEwRVlQulS7gLv87jQC",
  "password": "ffbbafe935a9c961cc5ea6bbdb8d994e3eb2c84f8a48f998fcef14feb9cc1bde",
  "password_new": "ba74bcfc739dada58d1a7b0c87c4488fce5453ad7cb6b4077a0c97e52233ab92"

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "change_password",
  "utime": 1660583911451820,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
  "token"  : response['output']['token'],
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/check_credentials", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
  "token": "Dj54y75Xim4oUBj3wFEDSLtHDFWpExrV"

  "output": {
    "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
    "username": "Test User"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "check_credentials",
  "utime": 1660584073484124,
  "weight": 1000

Python Example

import requests, json

username = "Test User"

query = {
	"username_email" : username,

response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/forgot_password", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "username_email": "Test User"

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "forgot_password",
  "utime": 1661018749011548,
  "weight": 5000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

unique_code = "9f0c48d2bb15d09b12e7881869b570bc"
email       = "test.user@nowhere.com"
password    = "ResetNew121!"

query = {
	"unique_code" : unique_code,
	"email"       : email,
	"password"    : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),

response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/reset_password", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "unique_code": "f4c64ad2e589e6218003f57e042c0c67",
  "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
  "password": "c063ce91280773e47a895f3405d75625eb9e60c38522937976f3a20a6856e940"

  "output": {
    "email_verified": false,
    "token": "hlrHGDCENqFksdt1gm38pQ9ScKcMUu9n",
    "userid": "fCvQf6k7w8JLKWfPuVTA0sybeKHNNQGf",
    "username": "Test User"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "reset_password",
  "utime": 1663517025423038,
  "weight": 5000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid"       : response['output']['userid'],
  "token"        : response['output']['token'],
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/verify_email", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "FeJr3QgHeHe9D0kAxBBBo9lBidVhrRaU",
  "token": "2yBgOKq1hRz6LEEwRVlQulS7gLv87jQC",

  "output": {},
  "status": "success",
  "type": "verify_email",
  "utime": 1660583911451820,
  "weight": 5000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "username_email" : username,
  "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/login", json.dumps(query)).json()

query = {
  "userid" : response['output']['userid'],
  "token"  : response['output']['token'],
response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/get_account_info", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "userid": "Xf9qa6Zp35bIphTDHPklBf8XgP6JcFed",
  "token": "U7YGYmxQGpL7intHq2Jc09ZHPLvcfx4m"

  "output": {
    "api_balance": 120000,
    "api_balance_utime": 1660756113933003,
    "api_capacity": 120000,
    "api_refill_rate": 2000,
    "create_utime": 1660741579885868,
    "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
    "expiration_utime": 9223372036854775807,
    "link_balance": 120000,
    "link_balance_utime": 1660756113933003,
    "link_capacity": 129600000000,
    "link_refill_rate": 50000,
    "type": "registered",
    "username": "Test User"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "get_account_info",
  "utime": 1660756113933003,
  "weight": 2000

Python Example

import requests, json, hashlib

username = "Test User"
password = "Trial151!"

query = {
  "call_queries" : [
      "type": "login",
      "broadcast": True,
          "username_email" : username,
          "password" : hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).digest()).hexdigest(),

      "type": "get_entries",
          "count"  : 2,
          "start"  : 1,
          "qr"     : False,



response = requests.post("https://api.ww7io.com/v2/multi", json.dumps(query)).json()

  "call_queries": [
      "type": "login",
      "broadcast": true,
      "input": {
        "username_email": "Test User",
        "password": "ffbbafe935a9c961cc5ea6bbdb8d994e3eb2c84f8a48f998fcef14feb9cc1bde"
      "type": "get_entries",
      "input": {
        "count": 2,
        "start": 1

  "output": {
    "call_responses": [
        "output": {
          "email": "test.user@nowhere.com",
          "token": "NWPVOkxa2tu2kDIFdwuytR53JsvQBATN",
          "userid": "UC8IgEUjMffEmvQV5eEPKNV1sOKa7TLg",
          "username": "Test User"
        "status": "success",
        "type": "login",
        "utime": 1660860580548188,
        "weight": 1000
        "output": {
          "entries": [
              "code": "7GeTCV",
              "count": 0,
              "count_qr": 0,
              "encryption": 0,
              "filesize": -1,
              "filetype": "",
              "host": "ww7.io",
              "id": 54147718125,
              "order": 1,
              "tag": 32776,
              "url": "https://facebook.com",
              "url_compressed": "https://ww7.io/7GeTCV",
              "userid": "UC8IgEUjMffEmvQV5eEPKNV1sOKa7TLg",
              "utime": 1660860557531178
              "code": "luMXcJ",
              "count": 0,
              "count_qr": 0,
              "encryption": 0,
              "filesize": -1,
              "filetype": "",
              "host": "ww7.io",
              "id": 34579576333,
              "order": 2,
              "tag": 32776,
              "url": "https://amazon.com",
              "url_compressed": "https://ww7.io/luMXcJ",
              "userid": "UC8IgEUjMffEmvQV5eEPKNV1sOKa7TLg",
              "utime": 1660860557531177
        "status": "success",
        "type": "get_entries",
        "utime": 1660860580548188,
        "weight": 1200
  "status": "success",
  "type": "multi",
  "utime": 1660860580548188